To be frank, this is a frustrating week. I exercise almost every single day, watch my food, but the fat just won't dissapear. In fact, the scale says I weigh heavier. I feel like giving up.
But then, I must not.
I must remember these faces. My own personal trainer. My kids. Geng Biru. Geng Merak. They are all behind my back, supporting me, encouraging me. They'll be dissappointed if I were to give up now. [Lagipun, malu dekat geng, dey!] I won't let them down. And most importantly, I won't let myself down. I know that I deserve to be better, not just this old plain boring Fattytini. I deserve to be healthier, slimmer and happier. I just have to presevere and keep pushing myself. I CAN DO IT!
Furthermore, if Britney Spears can change herself from this:

to this:

I'm sure she didn't do liposuction whatsoever, because her new body is not like an overnight thing. Unlike some artistes in Malaysia. Seminggu lepas nampak di TV gemuk, alih-alih buat show dekat Anugerah Juara Lagu, eh eh kurusnya? Tak tahulah magik apa yang mereka pakai ^V^
Go Tini Go! Yes, you can do it! Agaknya berat naik sbb muscle bertambah tak?
Don't give up okay. Cuba tukar rutin.. pergi jalan2 di Kompleks PKNS ke (ai baru tau Tini tinggal di SA).
Ai pun pelik dgn artis yg sekejap montel sekejap slim itu. Ai ingat itu camera trick.. rupa2nya lipo ke?
YM: thanks YM ^V^ BTW, yang artis tu, tak tahulah lipo ke hapa... tini cakap secara general je tu :-)
Kak tini baru sebulan, jangan risau ok
U can do it Tini! YES, WE CAN! (lagu theme bob the builder). Jgnla jadikan artis sbg sandaran, diaorg byk tajaan, kita ni PT jer dok taja..;)
Soba Tini soba. Jange putuh aso. Tok tera ko apple cider vinegar? @pun khal kurma?
Tera lagi deh!
Ye lebeh peteng hidop caro sehat k?
aida: kalau masuk the biggest loser, sah2 kena kick out :-p
k.da: kalau artis hollywood, boleh caya sebab diorang mmg amalkan workout. if not, camne nak maintain stamina utk concets and world tour. and, kalau buat lipo, camne nak show off flat belly hihi.
IWA: itulah... asal sihat, kan?
Thans ALL!
Tini..I support u! take it one step at a time..this is a journey, cannot change overnight! keep on going bebeh! Caiyok! Caiyok!
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