Lynn here. This is my first time putting in an entry here! Well, The Gang of 4 have given me access to this blog for the longest time but I have only been a passive reader.
Well, to be completely honest, I have gained so much weight over this past one or two years... and I just know that I had do something about it. I love food too much yet I lead a sedentary lifestyle. And since I have hit 30, this is just not good.
I used to futsal weekly, but it gets harder to gather up the group since ada yang kahwin, dapat anak, etc. Nak jogging, selalu ada halangan - most common is weather-related ("hujan") or sheer laziness (cuz the only park nearest to my house is a 15-minute DRIVE away).
So I did my rounds, my research... and I have narrowed it down to two: gym or yoga. For some reason I am against the whole gym concept... but I was sold with the yoga idea when my colleague invited me to join her.

I'll tell you why later why I picked yoga instead of "normal" workout in the gym. But meanwhile, lemme put on some deep heat lotion on myself after those yoga stretches...
Oh and by the way, wish me luck on the weight loss challenge! :D
clap clap hand.. bravo lynn, cukup geng diet kita...
please review about the yoga sister. i buat je, tapi takde pulak nak baca benefit.. sebab selalu sakit belakang, tu dok buat
Ooh my research takdelah extensive sangat hehe. I tengok "kesanggupan" jugak. That yoga place tu dlm my fave shopping mall, so rain or shine no problem hehe
But my main reason is cuz it is low impact and I wanna improve my posture (I hunch to much)
yoga?? hmph, interesting..maybe you should show us the moves which gives fast result (hehehe)
yay lynn! pls pls pls tell us more O.K.?
ala jap jap, baru ambik dua class. hehe
Jom kita lawan by grup pulak. Pasukan Merah lawan Pasukan Biru?
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