Saturday, September 17, 2011

My weight had gone down...

Miraculously. My weight is usually stagnant even during fasting month, now miraculously I lost certain amount of kilograms this time.

This was my stats when I was 28 years-old. Sebelum ni, malu-malu alah nak update stats, sebab 54.7 kg pun macam mimpi dahulu kala. I was weighing around 56 kilograms.

Statistics as at 26 April 2008:

Weight = 54.7 kg
Body Fat Range = 32.5% (Obese)
Body Water Range = 49.4% (should aim 50-55%)
Muscle Mass = 34.8
Physique Ratings = 5 (Standard)
BMR = 1130
Basal Metabolic Age = 36
Bone Mass = 2.1 (should aim 2.4 kg)
Visceral Fat = 4 (Excellent)

Now, I'm 31 years old, and this is my new stats

Statistics as at 17 September 2011:

Weight = 52.0 kg
Body Fat Range = 31.1%
Body Water Range = 50.4 %
Muscle Mass = 33.8
Physique Ratings = 5 (Standard)
BMR = 1083
Basal Metabolic Age = 34 (only 3 years older, instead of 8)
Bone Mass = 2.0
Visceral Fat = 4 (Excellent)

Persistence & perseverance is the key, chewah :p

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