Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 4

Started dieting again. It's a wonder if it produced miracle.

Day 1

Fruits - Grapes 1 cup, papaya 1 slice, watermelon 1 slice
Weetameal crackers - 4 pieces
Had dinner with 1 cup of rice and gulai ikan - tolong perhabis lauk (excuse)
Kacang bandung - 1/3 packet?

Day 2

Fruits - Plum 3 pieces, small oranges 5 pieces
Weetameal crackers - 4 pieces
Dinner with a bowl of rice porridge, with spatter of anchovies, kacang bandung, finger chocolates 1 1/2 bar

Day 3

Fruits: One big apple, 3 pieces of small oranges
Rojak Singapore - one cucur udang and 2 hati (ops!)
Hati cicah kicap, finger chocolate 1 1/2 bar

Day 4
Bihun sup
Oranges - 3 buah
Roti seketul

Am I strong willed?


aida said...

Diet just to make you healthy. Side effectnya kurus, insya Allah. Daku pun malas nak makan diet food, nak cuba eat healthily

Ummu Auni said...

healthily..yup, sebab tu buah

aida said...

Sayur makan eh. Fateh suka buah, hihi

Yasmin's Mummy said...

Wow extreme nya diet Aini. Tak lapar ke?

tinidewi said...

eerrr makan tu je ke?

Ummu Auni said...

ya makan tu sahaja. dan beratku masih tak turun ye. selama ni, memang macam tu la makananku.

aida said...

Tapi masa kt uk berat hang turun. Cuba review balik camna bole turun

Risau takut tak cukup kalori based on basal metabolic rate. Bmr adalah minimum kalori semasa kita bgn tidur. Takut exhausted

tinidewi said...

maybe you should include exercizing in your routine. diet alone tak jalan.


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