Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Dear Diary,
As of 7.30 a.m. today, I weigh 73.7 kg, making a total loss of 6.5 kg. I was elated, until just now, as my dear second half commented that my back is still huge and toing-toing as ever.


OK, I'm depressed.


Ummu Auni said...

aku ni kira fail HL :P
dapat refund tak?
beratus2 habis ni :P

Fattytini said...

boleh refund. 30 money back guarantee. nanti wa tanya supervisor mcm mana nak refund. kalau tak silap tu ari dia kata ada borang yang kena isi.

aida said...

ala cheer up la.. aku pun berat statik tak gerak ni.. huhu

takpe takpe, still continue HL. iyah!!

eLLe said...

waa..kagumnyee..kagumnye..bole turun sampai 6 kg..pencapaian yang bagus ni..

sori..menyibuk kat website nii :)


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