Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Dear Diary,
My apology for the long silence. I'm quite tight now. Anyway, just want to let you know that I have lost 5 kgs in total :-)

And, I'm really concerned with a friend who actually gained weight. Hope she's still motivated, and will not give up. Chaiyok chaiyok! You can do it!


Ummu Auni said...

tq for your concern
telur ek? kalau half boiled eggs okay ker? hihihi

Fattytini said...

half boiled tak kenyang sangat. aku dah test.... menjadi jugak. dah la options paling murah. satu telur baru berapa posen. zaman inflasi la katakan hehehe.

aida said...

aini, never give up.. aku walau timbang tak turun gak.. stress gak ni, aku rasa OK bila can share experience with you n kak tini

::ziLla:: said...

wah..sudah 5kg hilang..best2...
tp sy dah tak consume F1 lg dah...
hehehe...lari budget ckit...

Fattytini said...

takpe.... kita berbelanja ikut kemampuan hehe. tapi sekarang roti canai pon dah seringgit sekeping huhuhuhu.


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