1. Eat your food while its hot.
Motive? Easier digestion of food, and stimulates release of digestion enzymes.
2. Eat in considerable meal size.
Not too much, yet not too little. Sahur is as important as a breakfast; it should provide enough energy for the whole day. Try to take balanced nutrition, with sufficient protein to control sugar level in blood. Take your own sweet time, and eat slowly, because even though our brain is supposed to be "the super organ" and do all the thinking in such amazing way, apparently when it comes to thinking that you are already full and have eaten enough, they are not quite competent :-p
3. Eat vegetables & fruits.
Vegetables and fruits are, undoubtly, good source of vitamins and minerals, which are important to maintain body resistence and fitness. High in fibre, vegetables and fruits help your stomach feel full much longer. It is recommended to take vegetables and fruits high in Vitamin A, B, C and E.
4. Got milk?
Be reminded to complete your meal with a glass of milk, so that your body gets complete nutrition that it needs for a whole-day activities. Also, calcium and protein content in milk helps to reduce weight. Always look for low-fat milk whenever you do your shopping.
5. Ditch your cup of coffee.
Coffee is diuretic, which makes you want to wee wee more than often, and causes you to "lose water". Therefore, it is not recommended to have your hot cup of coffee for Sahur.
6. Reduce salt in your food.
It does make sense to say NO to salty food, as the move is beneficial to your general wellbeing, and most importantly, salt makes you feel thirsty. A big NO NO during fasting.
I love taking dates for Sahur. Or maybe a packet of high fibre low calorie vegetarian wheat biscuit. Another meal ideas for Sahur such as banana smoothie (yummy!), cereal with slices of dates or banana, or perhaps Wholemeal Tuna Sandwich. And, I always finish up my Sahur with a glass of hot milk. Very satisfying :-)
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