Sunday, February 20, 2011

Vow of The Week.

Dear Diary,
Now that I have to start over again with 74 kg, this is the vow I made to myself for this week.

Everyday, I shall take a bowl of cereal and low fat milk ONLY for breakfast, maybe less but not more. Then, I shall briskly walk for 30 minutes, and climb the stairs as many as I could in a day. I shall have a plate of rice ONLY for lunch, maybe less but not more. I shall go to the playground with the kids in the evening, walking not driving. I shall eat lightly for dinner. I may have a healthy snack in between meals. Before slumber, I shall pray to Almighty Allah for my happiness and health.


aida said...


Ummu Auni said...

mudah-mudahan :)

Lynn said...

amin. I'm gaining weight like nobody's business too! :( the war begins...

aida said...

Lynn, update la blog ni with ur progress

Lynn said...

not much progress... nanti kalau ada I tulis :)


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