Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Dear Fattytini..

I am now at 50 kg, can you please make sure my target is 43kg by 31st December 2009.
I gained 1 kg back due to the fact I ate 2 chappatis in the morning :P


Ummu Auni said...

eat 2 chapatis every day/what? kalau setakat sekali sekala tersasar tu, eleh :P

Fattytini said...

chapati? setakat 2 chapatis je baru berapa calorie.... and chapaties are supposed to be healthy kay? ciput je calorie nya. lain la kalo makan roti canai. HAA, yang tu baru major NO-NO.

nida said...

43kg?! kurusnyer... kena ada daging2 jgk da, baru best cik abg peluk... kang peluk tulang jer..

aida said...

aku nak kurus sebab body fat tinggi.. bukan sebab berat itu.. aini, jgn ler asyik komen aku kurus.. aku pressure body fat tinggi


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