Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Dear Diary,
I have good news, oh my little pink diary with pictures of cupcakes all over the place. Which is so NOT with the objective of your existence in the world. I mean, cupcakes on a weight management journal? Get real. Don't that make you want to eat more? Make me wonder if I should ditch you.

Hello? I'm the only thing that will keep you on track? It's not my fault that I have cupcakes everywhere because I have no say of how I shall look like, and even if I do have cupcakes, you should have more determination not to fall into temptation. I've knew it. This is so you. Put the blame on me and everything.

Oh whatever. You and your drama, so emotional. Back to me please because I'm the main character here?

You know that I have always love wearing jackets, because jackets make me look executive-y. Even though my brain may not think like an executive, but at least my fashion should say so. I have jackets of all colour, black, brown, beige, blue, and of many shapes. I even put my favorite long black jacket as the performance indicator to measure the successfulness of my pursuit.

But I have never been able to button the jackets. No thanks to my big butt, because they'll look like big round basketball; that will bounce happily when you dribble them on the ground; scramped tightly with a clothe. The visual is so unacceptable-y ugly that your eyes go blind. Give me no option but to unbutton the jacket all the time, which is not very neat, and make me look less executive-y.

This morning, I put on my brown jacket. As I stood there in front of the mirror, I tried to button, just in case you know. Then I was like, oh my god! look at that woman in the mirror. She button her jacket,and she doesn't look so bad. In fact, she looks great!

That woman stares back at me, smiling like an idiot.

Teeheehe. I love the new me.


Ummu Auni said...

wow, how many kilos are you losing dear?
terasa impress gitu

Fattytini said...

errr ni yg malu nih. kilos tak berapa turun pon. but inches yes :-) but i forgotten to measure my ukurlilit last time huhuhu sebab Adik Zahra found my sewing kit and gunting the measuring tape ggrr.


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