Next in the equation, is to set a target. Just like any performance indicator, the target must be specific, measurable, realistic and attainable. If it is too optimistic, the probability of me, who is obviously lacking of self discipline and perseverence, getting frustrated and flopped midway is like, 100%. It's OK to start small, and keep on revising the target if it gets too easy to achieve. Furthermore, losing weight too fast is horrendous to your health.
On that note, this is my favorite jacket. The last time I can button the jacket was like, four years ago. It get stuck at my butt. Boohoo. So pathethic.
Anyway, this time I'm telling myself that by the end of June this year, I am going to wear that jacket, buttoned all the way. And, by the end of this year, I am going to lose 10 kg.
Wish me luck!
good luck yer...
btw, nak tanya, kalau saya nk try HL, tapi bukan semua product la (tak mampu gak ni), just utk bg energy lebih sikit (sy BF + 2mth pregnant), blh suggest kan tak??
thanks zilla. hopefully berjaya la kali ni nak kuruskan badan hehe.
i would suggest you consume F1, sebab ia mengandungi 55 nutrients needed by our body. it is all plant based, and will have no side effect to your milk production & the baby, God's willing. my kids pon taking HL, nak kasi slim & sihat hehehe.
replace 1 meal with HL shake (3 scoops of F1 + Water / Milk / Soya + Fruits tak kisah la you nak bubuh apa pon) and take 2 usual meal.
for further information, kindly email me at :-)
all the best tini!!!
I love food too much to give up on it. I tried HL but it just doesn't work out cuz I do not have the patience to blend my HL drink every morning hehe.
my 'action plan': less rice (only once a day if possible, half portion)
2.take the stairs to my office (tingkat 2 je la, tapi at least surau pun G floor hehe)
3. teh tarik/teh ais only twice a week
4. ice cream once in a two weeks (kalau craving sgt)
5. reduce fast food & oily food
6. puasa Isnin-Khamis
wish me luck too! -fattylynn- hehe
thanks beb!
hey u can still have your favorite food while dieting wif HL. but smaller portion lorr. like me, i'm taking 5 meals a day, segala kuih muih time meeting aku telan, but have to eat moderately. banyak kali makan, but limit kuantiti. just to fulfil keinginan makan :-)
i suggest you wear it around yr thigh. Surely guaranteed that you can button up all yr dark grey jacket buttons. btw it looks nicer and comfy too. hehehe gurau je
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