Sunday, April 27, 2008


Dear Fattytini,

After much nagging of Pn Fattytini, I finally had the chance to weigh myself on the digital healthy scale newly bought by her :)

Let me record this

Weight = 54.7 kg
Body Fat Range = 32.5% (Obese)
% Body Water Range = 49.4% (I should aim 50-55%)
Muscle Mass = 34.8
Physique Ratings = 5 (Standard)
BMR = 1130
Basal Metabollic Age = 36
Bone Mass = 2.1 (Should be 2.4 kg)
Visceral Fat = 4 (Excellent)

My husband's personal wellness card

Weight = 65.3 kg
Body Fat Range = 19.4% (Healthy)
% Body Water Range = 59.0%
Muscle Mass = 49.9
Physique Ratings = 5 (Standard)
BMR = 1469
Basal Metabollic Age = 28 (Adui, ni tak best ni!)
Bone Mass = 2.7 (Should be 3.29 kg)
Visceral Fat = 8 (Healthy)

I want to be beautiful & super gorgeous!

Come HL, lets do it!

Determination + HL = Gorgeous body (hopefully!)


Fattytini said...

abes la kita.... para husband semua lagi muda from us :-p

Ummu Auni said...

wargh, aku stress beb
tgh doa2 supaya setia kat aku :D


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